Drinking too much alcohol can have countless negative impacts on your life that include, but are not limited to injuries, violence, liver disease, and cancer.  What defines “too much alcohol”?  According to the CDC U.S Dietary Guidelines, moderate drinking is defined as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.  Too many Americans exceed this limit and partake in frequent binge drinking activities, which has led to increased fatal crashes, injuries and cancer.  It is important to note that the risk of cancer is exclusively dependent upon the amount of alcohol intake. The more alcohol that is consumed, the higher the risk. Therefore, reducing alcohol consumption reduces the risk of cancer, specifically of the liver, colon, rectum, and breast.

 April is alcohol awareness month which is important in helping individuals become aware of the negative health effects of excessive alcohol.  Drinking in moderation is key to improving health and reducing your risk of cancer. Do your part by bringing awareness to this developing issue and encourage everyone you know to drink in moderation if they choose to drink.